
Proposed Changes in Representative Officers

Listed Company Name:ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½.
Representative:Haruo Naito
Director, President & CEO
Headquarters:4-6-10 Koishikawa Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Securities Code:4523
Listed Locations:First Sections of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
& the Osaka Securities Exchange
Inquiries:Yutaka Tsuchiya
Executive Vice President
Public Affairs
Phone 81-3-3817-5120

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½. (Headquarters: Tokyo, President & CEO: Haruo Naito) resolved at its Board of Directors meeting held on May 15, 2012 to propose the following changes in its Representative Officers, effective June 21, 2012.

1. Changes in Representative Corporate Officers (effective June 21, 2012)

  • a)
    Retiring Representative Corporate Officers:

*You can scroll to the left or right here

Nobuo Deguchi currently, Deputy President , Aide to President, Chief Compliance Officer
*Nominee for New Director

  • b)
    Nominees for New Representative Corporate Officers
  • i)
    Deputy President

*You can scroll to the left or right here

 Hideshi Honda currently, Executive Vice President,
President, East Asia Region
 Hajime Shimizu currently, Executive Vice President,
President, Indo-Pacific Regions
 Hideki Hayashi currently, Executive Vice President,
Chief Product Creation Officer, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Product Creation Systems, Investor Relations
  • ii)
    Executive Vice President

*You can scroll to the left or right here

 Yutaka Tsuchiya currently, Executive Vice President,
Corporate Regulatory Compliance, Safety and Quality Assurance,
Public Affairs

2. Career Summary of Nominees for New Representative Officers

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Name:Hideshi Honda
Date of Birth: October 9, 1954
Apr. 1977 Joined the Company
Apr. 2003 Senior Director, International Business and Development Department
Jun. 2003 Executive Officer
Apr. 2004 Deputy General Manager, Global Pharmaceuticals Business Headquarters
Jun. 2004 Vice President
Jun. 2005 General Manager, Consumer Health Product Division
Apr. 2007 Assigned to Japan Business Headquarters
Jun. 2007 Senior Vice President
Jun. 2010 Executive Vice President (current)
Jun. 2010 President, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Japan
Apr. 2011 President, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ East Asia Region
Apr, 2012 President, East Asia Region, and Chairman of the Board, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ China Inc. (current)
No. of Company shares held: 5,905 (as of Mar. 2012)

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Name:Hajime Shimizu
Date of Birth: April 20, 1957
Apr. 1981 Joined the Company
Jun. 2001 Senior Director, Corporate Management Planning Department
Jun. 2002 Deputy President, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Inc.
Apr. 2004 Chairman & CEO, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Inc.
Jul. 2004 President, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Corporation of North America
Jun. 2006 Vice President (ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½.)
Jun. 2006 Assigned to Pharmaceuticals Business, U.S.
Jun. 2007 Senior Vice President
Jan. 2008 Chairman & CEO, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Corporation of North America
Aug. 2009 President, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Corporation of North America
Jun. 2010 Executive Vice President (ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½.; current)
Jun. 2010 Assigned to New Markets
Apr. 2011 Assigned to New Markets & ASEAN
April, 2012 Assigned to President, Indo-Pacific Region (current)
No. of Company shares held: 8,438 (as of Mar. 2012)

*You can scroll to the left or right here

Name:Hideki Hayashi
Date of Birth: November 22, 1957
Apr. 1981 Joined the Company
Apr. 2004 Senior Director, Business Development Department
Jun. 2005 Vice President
Jun. 2006 Assigned to Business Development
Jun. 2007 Senior Vice President
Jul. 2009 Chief Product Creation Officer (current)
Jun. 2010 Executive Vice President (current)
Jun. 2011 Assigned to Investor Relations (current)
No. of Company shares held: 4,103 (as of Mar. 2012 )

*You can scroll to the left or right here

Name:Yutaka Tsuchiya
Date of Birth: June 29, 1952
Apr. 1975 Joined the Company
Apr. 2001 Senior Director, Clinical Research Planning Department, Clinical Research Center
Oct. 2004 President, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Europe Ltd.
Jun. 2005 Vice President
Jun. 2006 Assigned to Pharmaceuticals Business, Europe
Mar. 2008 Chairman & CEO, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Europe Ltd.
Jul. 2009 Assigned to Corporate Regulatory Compliance, Quality Assurance,
Environmental and Safety Affairs (ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½.)
Jun. 2009 General Manager, Corporate Regulatory Compliance,
Quality Assurance Headquarters (currently Corporate Regulatory Compliance,
Safety and Quality Assurance Headquarters; current)
Jun. 2010 Senior Vice President
Jun. 2011 Executive Vice President (current)
Jun. 2011 Assigned to Quality Assurance, Public Affairs (current)
No. of Company shares held: 9,288 (as of Mar. 2012)