
Environmental Education and Communication

Environmental Education

In order to promote environmental protection activities in harmony with the global environment, it is necessary for all employees to take ownership of environmental issues, correctly understand how the issues are connected to their everyday work and raise their environmental awareness to solve problems. Each operational site formulates and implements its own educational plan according to the characteristics of and problems within their operations. For example, our head office departments and sales offices are promoting energy saving and efficient use of resources through practices such as the optimal use of office lighting and air-conditioners as well as paperless work in the creation of documents. Furthermore, during training for new employees who are transferred from other department, we ensure that they are aware of the importance of thoroughly separating their waste using a waste classification sheet. In addition to programs for all employees, we also have programs for various job levels and are working to enhance them. We also provide online courses for employees so that they can learn in the current telecommuting environment. Depending on the external environment, we are also flexibly promoting the development and training of employees in charge of environmental education and those who should acquire official qualifications. We also encourage them to participate in specialized courses held either internally or externally that are designed to improve their own skills.

Environmental Communication

Our connections with shareholders and investors

We disclose important management information, including non-financial information related to environmental protection, in an active, fair, equitable, timely and easy-to-understand manner. At the same time, we often engage in face-to-face and online dialogue to better communicate with shareholders and investors.

Connections with local communities

Mutual understanding and cooperation with local communities are important as we carry out our business activities in these communities. The Kawashima Plant held a meeting in December 2023 with representatives of residents in surrounding communities and local government officials to explain the Plant’s operations and environmental protection activities and to hear their opinions and requests. As a member of an industrial park, the Kashima Plant participated in a meeting with district representatives and administrative staff in June 2023.
In addition, the Fukushima Plant of EA Pharma Co., Ltd. held an information exchange meeting with nearby residents focusing on environmental protection and regional contribution activities in March 2024.