
The ѻý Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge seeks solutions that save mothers’ lives across the globe. The ѻý Global Health Equity Network and Accelerate Health have partnered to crowdsource solutions that address barriers in care coordination and behavioral health that can be implemented to improve maternal health outcomes.

The challenge will consist of a virtual semifinal pitch competition at the ѻý21 & Health 2.0 European Health Conference in June and culminate in a final in-person competition at the2021 ѻý Global Health Conference, August 10, 2021, in Las Vegas.

Studies show that mothers are dying at a disproportionately higher rate in underserved communities and among people of color. There are significant differences in the rates of pregnancy-related mortality by race and ethnicity, education, geography and age. Understanding and addressing the factors that contribute to these differences can improve maternal health across the world. Read more about maternal mortality.

Thank you for your interest in the ѻý Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge. The Call for Submissions is now closed.


We believe the most effective approach to designing impactful solutions is to have technology developers work directly with trusted community leaders—those with boots on the ground experience in areas hardest hit by maternal mortality. We encourage you to ask questions, gain clarity and refine your thinking to assure that submissions for this challenge truly reflect the needs of underrepresented communities and women of color.

We seek innovations that:

  • Are rooted in authentic understanding of the maternal experience in low-resource settings
  • Understand that maternal health disparities exist, including geographic, racial and ethnic disparities, and work to address them
  • Are forward-thinking, leveraging upcoming and future technology trends


Teams which advance to the finals will receive an expense paid trip to ѻý21 in Las Vegas, Nevada this August to participate in the Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge Finals, where the Grand Prize Winner will be determined.

Read the Competition Rules.


Opens: Monday, February 15, 2021, 12:00 am ET
Closes: Sunday, May 9, 2021, 11:59 pm ET
Semifinals Pitch Competition: Monday, June 10, 2021
Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge Finals: August 10, 2021

Thank you for your interest in the ѻý Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge. The Call for Submissions is now closed.

Challenge Tracks

Choose the track your team wants to tackle.

Challenge 1: Behavioral Health

Behavioral health includes the promotion of emotional health; the prevention of mental illnesses (e.g., depression and anxiety), substance use disorders, psychological distress and suicide; treatments and services for mental and/or substance use disorders; and recovery supports. Your solution should look through the lens of maternal behavioral health to help address such issues as preterm stress, prenatal/antenatal depression, postpartum depression, perinatal anxiety, domestic abuse, and drug alternatives for nursing moms.

Challenge 2: Care Coordination

Care coordination consists of services and activities that help link pregnant women to an array of health-promoting resources, avoid duplication of effort, and improve communication between families and providers. Care coordination has long been endorsed as a key strategy for reducing disparities in maternal health outcomes. Your solution should look through the lens of care coordination for maternal health to help address such issues as quality of care; doctor-patient ratio; access to education/information; coordination of doulas, midwives and e-birthing centers; lack of continuity of care; overburdened and underfunded public sector; need for transparency and accountability; and disconnect between primary providers and referral network.

Check out 10 Tips for a Successful Challenge Submission

As you develop or propose tech solutions, please contemplate:

  • Digital Literacy: Does your solution address low-level health and digital literacy of potential users?
  • Sustainability: Does your solution focus on a comprehensive approach that is sustainable throughout the entire continuum of care?
  • Impact: Does your solution consider the impact on all players along the continuum of care for maternal health—patients/mothers, men/fathers, healthcare providers, doulas, midwives, specialists, support systems and caregivers?
  • Equitability: Do users in all cultural and socioeconomic settings (rural, urban, underserved communities, etc.) have equal access to use this tool?
  • Scalability: Can this solution be applied globally, no matter where the user lives (i.e., business plan, commercial viability)?
  • Credibility: Does this solution help establish trust and confidence with its users (i.e., reputable partnerships with academic facilities, community-facing and government-backed organizations, etc.)?

Thank you for your interest in the ѻý Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge. The Call for Submissions is now closed.

TheCall for Submissions is now .

Global Health Equity Network Sponsorship

Thank you to the following sponsors who have helped make the ѻý Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge possible.

Signature Sponsors



MedHealth logo

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Contact us today at salesinfo@himss.org.

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Maternal Health Tech Challenge - Prizes

Description of prizes

  • Teams which advance to the finals, will identify one (1) Participant from their Team (“Designee”) to receive roundtrip economy/coach airfare, four days’ hotel accommodation and registration for the 2021 ѻý Global Health Conference (ѻý21). The Designee from each Team will participate in the Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge Finals at ѻý21 in Las Vegas, Nevada. For purposes of clarification, ѻý will cover coach/economy class, roundtrip airfare to Las Vegas and hotel in Las Vegas. The Designee will be required to book airline and hotel reservations through the ѻý designated Travel Management Company to ensure the ticket remains within ѻý travel policies.
  • Finalists will be awarded complimentary one-year ѻý membership.
  • Finalists will have access to mentoring from Dreamit Ventures – a growth-focused program and venture fund for digital health, medical device and diagnostic startups.
  • Finalists will be awarded a complimentary one-year membership to Scale Health, a health tech incubator and innovation hub offering mentorship, workshops and industry engagement opportunities to build your company.
  • The top solutions will be assessed for potential pilot opportunities.

Grand Prize Winner:

  • The Grand Prize Winner of the Global Maternal Health Tech Challenge Finals will be recognized on stage at ѻý21 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Following the conference, the winner will be profiled by ѻý in marketing content (i.e., article, podcast and webinar panelist).
  • The Grand Prize Winner will receive a complimentary startup showcase exhibit space at ѻý22.

Awarding of prizes

General rules regarding prizes:

  • Organizer is not responsible for any dispute among Team Participants related to prizes and/or the selection of the Designee. There is no cash value substitute for any non-cash prizes.
  • Each Team and the respective Participants are solely responsible for any applicable taxes for prizes awarded. Additionally, if applicable, each Team is responsible for selecting the individual member of the Team who will receive the airfare, hotel accommodation and conference registration; this individual must be the individual who will participate in the final pitch competition at ѻý21.
  • Prizes are not transferable.

How funds are to be transferred:

  • The Challenge will provide an award letter with amount, signed by a competition official, to each Team.
  • Each letter will include a Wire Authorization Form (for international) or an EFT Authorization form and a W-9 form (for regional). Each winning team must complete the applicable forms and sign the award letter, and return all to financesupport@himss.org and ghen@himss.org for processing.
  • Cash prizes will be processed within approximately 30 days of receipt of signed letter and W-9, if applicable. The wire/EFT details will be confirmed prior to processing.