
Contact Us

We want to hear from you.

We are happy to support you and address any questions or concerns you may have about ѻý and our offerings. Please allow up to 48 business hours for a response.

Member support and engagement (North America): Membersupport@himss.org

Member support and engagement (Global): International@himss.org

Chapters: Chapters@himss.org

Organizational Affiliate: OA@himss.org

Corporate Members: Corporatememberinfo@himss.org

Non-Profit Partner: partners@himss.org

Payments: Financesupport@himss.org | Please include invoice number and phone number to process your request.

IT support or Member Center: Help@himss.org

Certification (CPHIMS, CAHIMS, CPDHTS) and continuing education: Certification@himss.org

Advancement: Advancement@himss.org

Professional development and courses: ѻýprofessionaldevelopment@himss.org

Approved Education Partners: Careerservices@himss.org

Changemaker awards: Awards@himss.org

Foundation scholarship: Scholarships@himss.org

Event registration: ѻý@csreg.zohodesk.com

Prospective Organizational Affiliate: OAsales@himss.org

Prospective Corporate Member: Salesinfo@himss.org

Global Conference Exhibition & Sponsorship: salesinfo@himssconference.com

Payments: Financesupport@himss.org | Please include invoice number and phone number to process your request.



ѻý Headquarters
550 W. Van Buren Street, Suite 1110
Chicago, IL 60607
Phone: (312) 664-4467

Policy Center/Government Relations

ѻý Washington, DC Office
4300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 510
Arlington, VA 22203-4168

Global Offices

ѻý Global Headquarters
Stationsplein 45, Unit A4.004
3013 AK Rotterdam

ѻý Europe GmbH office – Germany
Bertha-Benz-Straße 5
10557 Berlin, Deutschland

ѻý Asia Pacific Office
3 Killiney Road
#04-09 Winsland House I
Singapore 239519

Individual Membership FAQ

What is my username and password to the members-only section?
Username: If you purchased your membership online, you created your username at the time of purchase. If your membership was entered by ѻý staff or another representative, your primary email address is your default username.

Password: If you purchased your membership online, you created your password at the time of purchase. Use “Forgot Password?” to reset if necessary.

Where can I find my membership number?
To find your membership number, log in to the ѻý Member Center. Your member ID number will be located below your name on the left side of the screen. You can also request your member number via email at membersupport@himss.org.

How do I update my contact information?
Update your contact information by logging into the ѻý Member Center. The update options are located in the My Account drop-down menu. You can also send your updates via email to membersupport@himss.org.

I get an error that states that my email address is already in use. Why is this happening?
Your email may be in our database for a number of reasons. You may have had a previous purchase interaction with ѻý, such as a purchase from our bookstore or attendance at a ѻý Global Health Conference, or we may have a prospect list containing your information. To get a password, please use the Forgot Password function. After you obtain a password, log in as a returning customer using your email address as username.

Why is my name not appearing in the online member directory?
To protect our members’ privacy, addresses listed as a “home” are not viewable in the directory regardless of address publish settings. To be viewable in the directory, you must create a work address. To do so, log into your Member Center profile and select the address option listed in the My Account drop-down menu.

I need more addresses than the member directory’s 200-record limit. Is there a printed version available?
We provide only 200 results as a deterrent to parties looking to create unauthorized mailing lists. Creating and using a mailing list of ѻý members is prohibited. A print version is not available.

How do I set my ѻý email subscription preferences?
To set your email subscription preferences, log into the Member Center and select Subscription Preferences from the drop-down menu.

My company is a ѻý Corporate Member. Where can I get my membership number and login information?
Corporate Membership falls under four categories: Diamond, Emerald, Platinum and Gold. You must be on your company’s individual membership list in order to obtain a login ID and password. Email corporatememberinfo@himss.org to request assistance from the Corporate Relations team.

What do I need to provide to show proof of a name change?
No proof is needed if you are looking to update your ѻý membership account. If you are in the process of getting a ѻý certification, please email a photocopy of a government issued ID to Membersupport@himss.org.

How do I qualify to join as a student member?
ѻý student memberships are for individuals engaged in formal full-time study looking to become active in the fields of healthcare information and management systems. Student members receive the same benefits as regular members except the right to vote or hold elective office. You may sign up for student membership at any time online or with application through regular mail. If signing up online, you will be required to answer questions regarding your student status. If you are registering via paper application, you must submit evidence of your student status. Examples of student membership evidence include but are not limited to current class roster, letter from your department chair, or transcripts (unofficial is acceptable). All evidence must include your expected graduation date.

I was a student member, recently graduated, and would like to upgrade my membership. How can I do that?
You can upgrade your membership at any time by logging into the Member Center. Once logged in, select the Renew link to the Student Member Demographics screen. From there, select the Cancel button on this screen and then select a new membership type. We recommend you wait until the end of your current student membership before upgrading.

How can I get my receipt for membership dues?
Log in to the Member Center and select My Orders. On this screen, enter your order number or search Find Orders “within all.” You can also send a request via email to membersupport@himss.org.

What discounts do I qualify for as a ѻý individual member?
As a ѻý individual member, you qualify for numerous discounts. For example, you receive a discounted rate for all ѻý events. If you register with early-bird pricing, you can save up to 40% on the ѻý Global Health Conference & Exhibition. You also receive an average of 20% off ѻý books and resources.

How do I cancel my individual membership with ѻý?
ѻý individual memberships can be cancelled at any time by sending your statement of intent to membersupport@himss.org or by regular mail to ѻý Member Services, 33 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60603.

Dues paid to ѻý are non-transferable and non-refundable per ѻý Bylaws, Sections 5.5 and Section 6.2. Section 5.5 states: Individual membership in ѻý shall not be transferable to another person. Section 6.2 states: All dues paid to ѻý shall become the property of ѻý and shall be used by ѻý to further the mission of the organization. No portion of the dues paid by any member shall be refundable because of membership being terminated for any reason.

My company’s ѻý member left the company, and I would like to change the contact. Can I update the profile?
ѻý memberships are nonrefundable and nontransferable per ѻý Bylaws, Sections 5.5 and Section 6.2. However, one can apply for membership at the ѻý Member Center, or join via telephone at 312-664-4467.

How do I volunteer as a ѻý member?
To learn more about our many volunteer opportunities, visit our Member Opportunities page.

How can I learn more about the organizational memberships?
ѻý offers opportunities for provider, academic, corporate, and non-profit organizations. If you don't find what you need on the links provided, please reach out directly to: Organizational Affiliates/Academic: OA@himss.org, Corporate Members: Corporatememberinfo@himss.org, or Non Profit Partners: Partner@himss.org.

How do I contact my chapter board of directors?
On ourѻý Local Chapterspage you will find a link to your chapter's website. The contact email address will be in the website footer. Most chapters display their board of directors on a page under the About tab.

Can I participate in more than one chapter?
To join an additional chapter, there is a $39 fee per chapter. You can add additional chapters to your membership via your account page.

Why haven’t I received any communication from my chapter recently?
All chapters are run by volunteers, so their communications may vary. If you are interested in helping your chapter increase communications or schedule events, please feel free to contact them and offer help. Chapters are always looking for additional volunteer support.

I’m a chapter-only member. Why can’t I access ѻý member-only content?
Chapter-only members have limited access to restricted content. Chapter-only members can log in to update their profile or renew their chapter dues but cannot access ѻý member-only resources, receive discounts to the online store or serve on a ѻý committee. If you would like to upgrade your chapter-only membership to a ѻý individual membership, email Member Services for assistance atmembersupport@himss.org.

How can I change my chapter?
ѻý has chapters by choice, which allows ѻý members to change their chapter at any time. If you would like to change your chapter, go to "Your Account" page à "My Involvement" tab à "Change Complimentary Chapter" or emailmembersupport@himss.org.

ѻý has many dynamic communities based on professional role, topics of interest, and location/language. For more information, visit our Member Engagement page.

Advancement to Senior and Fellow Status
ѻý strongly emphasizes and encourages professional development and contributions to the healthcare industry for its members. Individuals have the opportunity to be recognized for their dedication to the society by applying for Senior Member or Fellow Status after a specified number of continuous membership years.

ѻý national members are chosen for advancement after meeting several criteria based on professional capability, experience, leadership and service to their profession. Individuals who have advanced to Senior Member or Fellow status are leaders within the society and eligible for running for the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee. Contact Member Advancement for complete detailsatadvancement@himss.org.