
Anne Snowdon

Chief Scientific Research Officer

Areas of Expertise

  • Digital transformation and innovation
  • Health system performance
  • National and global health system outcomes research

Recent Press coverage

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Areas of Interest

  • Digital health transformation, structures and maturity in health systems
  • Person enabled care delivery systems
  • Health system outcomes
  • Health supply chain

Point of View

I am a clinician by training, and I've spent many years and decades in clinical settings. I lead and conduct national-level studies in my country, Canada, and also global and multinational studies primarily focused on digital capacity, structures and maturity in health systems from the perspective of how digital transformation contributes to health system performance; how it engages with populations, communities and citizens directly and meaningfully; and when that type of digitally enabled care happens, what outcomes can be achieved. As a full professor, I'm also an educator. I spend time with students, educating, supporting and teaching the next generation of health system leaders.

I look at the individual personalized models of care delivery that are digitally enabled as well as population health, focusing on the health challenges, priorities, needs and values of different populations and where digitally enabled care delivery achieves value and impact for unique population segments. I also focus on digital transformation and innovation more broadly; how health systems innovate, how they advance digital tools, technologies and infrastructure, how they scale them, and what measurement frameworks they use to understand the value of those innovations and more specifically digital tools and technologies and platforms.

I measure what matters and create evidence of impact and value. I engage with key stakeholders in health system environments, including industry innovators, entrepreneurs, startup companies, clinicians, clinician leaders and their respective associations and health system leaders from that operational perspective on government policymakers. All of those people are critical to have at the table to contribute and inform transformation and innovation at scale that focuses on digital transformation.

We talk a lot about value in healthcare, but how one defines value determines how it's measured and whether it's meaningful. How is value defined from the perspective of health system leaders, clinicians, families, patients or bottom-line operations? We have a multi-dimensional set of outcomes. Because the complexity of health systems is so high, you have to examine key concepts in those health systems from the many dimensions that are relevant. That's one of the difficult parts about working in healthcare.

It's exceptionally clear to me that technology has far outdistanced a health system's ability to adopt it and use it to create value. For me, transformation has everything to do with a health system’s capacity and vision to meaningfully adopt the tools, the technologies that enable the care models, the care delivery processes and the ways to connect to every global citizen to advance health and wellness.

We'll be focused on the global health system’s agility to transform into much more resilient, sustainable systems. We depend on leadership capacity, ability, vision and risk-taking to make sure we have a future health system.

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ is working to bring empirical knowledge and evidence of value and impact of digital maturity, measured by ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ maturity models and the DHI.  Evidence of the impact of digital health in advancing population health will guide ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ members and health systems on their digital transformation journey. We are an evidence-driven sector, and evidence is important because the success of our health system is all about protecting people's lives.