
Health and Wellness

Five Rights of AI in Healthcare

The concept of the "Five Rights of AI" draws inspiration from the "Five Rights of Medication," a concept with roots in early 20th-century nursing practices to guide nurses toward safe and accurate medication administration to enhance patient safety and advancing quality improvement. Recognizing the factors that contribute to errors, these rights were established to offer a structured approach for safer patient care. The adaptation of these rights for AI takes into account the recommendations of the WHO recommendations for ethical and safe use of AI for health and the White House AI Bill of Rights and aims to provide a clear and practical framework for applying and managing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare settings. These guidelines are designed to assist in the planning, use, and integration of AI technologies in healthcare. The five rights of AI assist in applying a systematic and standardized process to help ensure optimal application, safe, compassionate, and effective outcomes are achieved.

Acknowledgement: Thank you ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Nursing Innovation Advisory Group for review and assistance with “5 Rights of AI in Healthcare.â€


  1. Ross, A., Freeman, R., McGrow, K. & Kagan, O. Implications of artificial intelligence for nurse managers. Nursing Management (Springhouse) 55(7):p 14-23, July 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/nmg.0000000000000143