
Quality Care

Nurses Month 2024 Industry Perspective – Nurse Innovation Digitizing Healthcare’s Future


In today's fast-paced healthcare industry, it's crucial for nursing knowledge and innovation to work hand in hand to develop and integrate digital health tools that enhance the well-being of both patients and nurses. To turn this into a reality, nurses should possess robust innovation and digital-enablement skills, be technologically literate, work collaboratively within the industry, and receive unwavering support from their respective organizations.

This nurse’s month, we’ve engaged with three healthcare technology industry nurse thought leaders to provide invaluable insights and share their perspectives on the essential needs of nurse innovation and digital health technology in 2024. Furthermore, they offer their visionary outlook on the future of a fully digitized healthcare ecosystem where patients and clinicians alike will reap the benefits of digital health through innovative nurse-led and -developed technology solutions.

Nurse Leader Perspectives


  • Carolyn Gorman, BSN, RN, Chief Nurse, BD
  • Natasha Ramontal, DHSc, RN, Senior Digital Health Strategist, Analytics Services, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½
  • Whende M. Carroll, MSN, RN, NI-BC, FÎÚÑ»´«Ã½, Clinical Informatics Advisor, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½

Nurse Innovation

Section authored by: Carolyn Gorman, BSN, RN, Chief Nurse, BD

1. How can the power of nursing innovation be harnessed to unlock better patient care quality, experience, and outcomes?

At BD, we believe that nurses are at the heart of patient care innovation. Their firsthand experience and insights are invaluable in designing and implementing safer, simpler, and smarter healthcare solutions for medication management.

BD engages with nursing professionals as part of our commitment to advancing healthcare technology that not only helps meet the clinical needs of today but also anticipates the challenges of tomorrow.

By harnessing the power of nursing innovation, we can unlock opportunities to significantly improve patient quality, experience, and outcomes in several ways:

Collaborative Innovation: We actively involve nursing professionals in the development and testing phases of our medication management solutions. Their practical insights at the bedside help us tailor our technologies to meet real-world challenges while allowing nurses to focus on patient care.

Feedback Loops: A direct line of feedback/communication helps us continuously improve our existing products and innovate new solutions that address specific workflow and patient safety issues.

Training and Education: By providing comprehensive training and continuous education, we help empower nurses with the knowledge to fully utilize their medication management solutions.

Data-Driven Decisions: Our medication management systems are designed to collect critical data that nurses and healthcare facilities can use to make informed decisions. This data can lead to improved patient monitoring and clinical workflows, and promote improved patient care.

Supporting Nursing Autonomy: By decreasing complexity of medication management through technology, nurses can spend more time on direct patient care, which is crucial for a positive patient experience and outcomes.

2. How do nurses serve as the driving force behind promoting and igniting innovation in the dynamic world of healthcare?

Nurses play a critical role in continuous innovation within healthcare. By continually interacting with patients and medical technologies, advocating for patient needs, collaborating across disciplines, and leaders in the adoption of new practices, nurses are indispensable in driving forward the innovations that shape smarter, safer, and more effective healthcare environments.

Their unique position on the front lines of patient care makes them essential drivers of healthcare innovation in several impactful ways:

Firsthand Insight and Feedback: Nurses provide a perspective that is crucial for practical innovation. Their daily interactions with medical devices, patient care protocols, and healthcare systems offer real-world insights that can directly influence the design and improvement of healthcare technologies and practices.

Patient Advocacy: Nurses are staunch advocates for patient needs and improved safety. Their commitment to outcomes and patient wellbeing often sparks innovation driving improvement of the safety protocols around medical technology.

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Nurses frequently collaborate across healthcare, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving and innovation, leading to more holistic and effective healthcare solutions.

Implementation and Adoption of Innovation: As primary users of many medical innovations, nurses are crucial to the successful implementation and adoption of new technologies and practices in healthcare settings.

Education and Training: Experienced nurses pass on their knowledge and skills to the next generation of healthcare professionals, encouraging a culture of ongoing and continuous improvement.

Research and Evidence-Based Practice: Nursing engagement in clinical research, supports the evidence base that shapes best practices and policy in healthcare. Their research often leads to breakthroughs in patient care, policy creation, and the broader application of best practices.

3. By working in tandem with key healthcare industry players, how can nurses spark a groundbreaking shift in how we approach the future of healthcare innovation?

Nurses can catalyze significant advancements in healthcare innovation by actively engaging with key industry players across several strategic fronts. Here’s how such collaborations can reshape the future of healthcare:

Partnerships with Technology Developers: Firsthand experience with patient needs and clinical challenges allow nurses to identify practical solutions that medical device companies might overlook as they are not in daily clinical practice. These partnerships help ensure that new devices and software are not only technologically advanced but also user- and patient-friendly.

Clinical Trials and Research: Nurses are pivotal in the execution of clinical trials, offering essential insights that can support medical research. Nurses can help ensure that studies address practical, real-world challenges and help address better patient care protocols with innovative products that truly meet the needs of healthcare providers and patients.

Policy and Advocacy and Regulation: Nurses can influence healthcare innovation by engaging in policy and advocacy efforts that support innovative practices and technology deployment in healthcare settings.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: By fostering stronger collaborations across disciplines, nurses can bridge gaps between clinicians, IT specialists and healthcare administrators. These interdisciplinary teams can help address various aspects of patient care, from data management and technology integration to clinical outcomes and improved patient experiences.

Education and Training: Nurse Educators are well positioned to prepare future healthcare professionals to be more adaptable and innovative, in addition to helping current practitioners stay at the cutting edge of technology and care advances.

Feedback Loops and Continuous Improvement: Establishing robust feedback loops between nurses, device manufacturers, and healthcare institutions can lead to continuous improvements in healthcare technologies and patient care strategies.

By leveraging these roles and forming strategic alliances with key players in the healthcare industry, nurses can be at the forefront of pioneering a proactive, innovative approach to healthcare that not only anticipates future challenges but also develops viable solutions that enhance patient care and improve clinical outcomes.

Nurses & Digital Health

Section authored by: Natasha Ramontal, DHSc, RN, Senior Digital Health Strategist, Analytics Services, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½

1. What are some of the key skills and competencies that nurses need to develop to thrive in a rapidly changing digital healthcare landscape?

Nurses need a mix of skills to really shine. First off, they've got to be tech-savvy. That means knowing their way around digital tools, electronic health records, telemedicine platforms, and medical devices, making sure they're entering and pulling data accurately and efficiently. Flexibility is key, too. Nurses already can roll with changes when it comes to patient care, now they need to exercise this in technology with digital tools and protocols. They should always be flexible enough to learn new information to give patients the best care possible. Speaking of learning, that's a big one. With technology advancing at such a rapid pace, nurses have to commit to lifelong learning, staying on top of innovative technology as it relates to their workflows, evidence-based practices, and what's new in the healthcare world. Communication may seem simple or considered a "soft skill", however in healthcare it is a critical skill to have especially where interactions may occur remotely or through electronic channels. Nurses must convey information clearly to patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals because it is crucial for teamwork and ensuring everyone's on the same page. Cybersecurity knowledge is a must, too. Nurses need to know how to keep patient information safe and sound in digital systems, following protocols to the letter to ward off data breaches and cybersecurity attacks. Ethics play a big role, especially with AI and big data in the mix. Nurses have to navigate tricky ethical questions about data privacy, consent, and making sure algorithms account for biases.  It's all about keeping patient care ethical and putting people first in this digital age. By mastering these skills, nurses not only keep up with the digital wave but also deliver top-notch care that's patient-centered and improves health outcomes along the way.

2.  In what ways can healthcare organizations ensure that nurses have the support they need to fully leverage the power of digital health technology, driving healthcare innovation forward?

Healthcare organizations have a unique opportunity to empower nurses and drive innovation through digital health technology; by providing comprehensive training that goes beyond technical skills to show how digital tools enhance patient care, organizations can help nurses increase their confidence. Investing in user-friendly technology makes the digital experience intuitive and efficient for nurses, minimizing frustration and maximizing their impact on patient outcomes. Ongoing technical support ensures that any issues with digital systems are quickly resolved, allowing nurses to focus on delivering high-quality care without interruptions. Integration of digital tools into existing workflows streamlines processes reduces cognitive load, and optimizes efficiency for nurses. Establishing feedback mechanisms enables nurses to contribute insights and improvements, driving continuous innovation in digital healthcare solutions. Recognizing and rewarding nurses who excel in leveraging digital health technology motivates others to embrace innovation, creating a culture of excellence and progress. Strong leadership support is crucial in prioritizing investment in digital health initiatives and fostering a culture that values innovation, ultimately leading to improved healthcare delivery and outcomes.

3. How can we equip nurses with the knowledge and skills they need to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge digital health technology?

Give nurses hands-on experiences with the latest digital tools. Imagine simulations and role-play that make using digital technology in real situations feel like second nature. Keep learning fun and ongoing. Webinars, conferences, and peer groups can keep nurses in the loop on all things digital, sparking new ideas and collaboration. Customize training to fit each nurse's style, whether it's self-paced modules or one-on-one coaching, making learning exciting and effective. Encourage teamwork between nurses and technology experts. Together, they can shape the future of digital health, making it more user-friendly and impactful. Make sure everyone knows the rules. Training on data privacy and security keeps nurses ethical and responsible with technology, building a culture of transparency and trust with patients. By making these changes, we'll empower nurses to lead the way in digital health, improving care and outcomes for everyone.

Nursing: An Innovative and Digitized Workforce

Section Authored by: Whende M. Carroll, MSN, RN, NI-BC, FÎÚÑ»´«Ã½, Clinical Informatics Advisor, ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½

1. Can you share your insights on why supporting nursing innovation is crucial in today's healthcare landscape?

Amplifying nurse innovation will bring much-needed change in healthcare delivery, encourage immense progress in optimizing clinical practice, and elicit personal growth for nurses. Nurses have innate creativity and can now pursue formal innovation concepts in education. With the call for healthcare innovation to propel us into the future, nurturing nurse innovators will help them take on the immense opportunities we need to evolve healthcare by designing and acting on new ideas and seeing them through. With solid support such as mentoring, coaching, and training, the healthcare business will largely be visioned and led by nurses in the coming years.

2. In what ways do you see nursing innovation contributing to improving patient care and healthcare outcomes?

New ideas resulting in novel models, processes, and inventions are essential to evidence-based practice and transforming how clinicians deliver care. The community and home settings are becoming where people seek health and wellness, and nurse innovation is critical for keeping the human and digital connection between clinician and patient. Novel approaches are required to reduce physical and communication breakdowns, complications, and over- and – underutilization of healthcare resources. Revolutionary nurse solutions targeted at these complex healthcare delivery issues can fundamentally shift society’s experience in their healthcare journey.

3. How do you believe events like this can help foster collaboration and networking within the nursing community?

Highlighting nurse entrepreneurs is essential as they are a role that has transformed and emerged from gaps and unmet needs in the healthcare landscape. Nurses, the largest sector of practicing clinicians, spend the most time with patients on patient care teams. Through this commonality and experience, nurses can meet and begin to share novel ideas and collaborate to help improve practice by designing and offering innovative models, processes, and products to impact care delivery, operations, and administration in all healthcare settings.

4. What message would you like to convey to nurses and innovators participating in this event regarding the importance of their work?

Be courageous and carry on in your pursuits and application of nurse innovation. Always keep in mind that you are ahead of your time and entirely well-equipped to transform what tomorrow will look like with the daring and revolutionary work you are doing today.

ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ X BD - Nurse's Month Perspectives